
We organize lots of different competition to give our horsemen the possibility to measure themselves with different specialities and increase their experience. The club location allows to race in the splendid Casentino landscape, immerged in the green of the fields and in the woods of the  Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona e Campigna.

  • gare_2Trek
  • Completo Caprilli
  • Hurdles
  • Working mount
  • Cross
  • Dressage
  • Endurance


The word “TREC” is a french abbreviation for “Technique de randonnée équestre en compétition” which can be translated with “Technical Reconnaissance Equestrian Competitive”.
The discipline of Trec was born in France about 30 years ago from the need to make some competitive phases in equestrian tourism. Soon the discipline, that takes place entirely outdoors in contact with nature, is diffused in many other European countries, including Italy.
All these countries, led by France, founded the International Federation of Equestrian Tourism “FITE”, where the discipline of TREC, along with equestrian tourism, is internationally recognized. Today 19 nations adhere to FITE.

The TREC is a discipline that takes place on three tests:

POR1) P.O.R.: orientation and regularity
The rider must be able to duplicate and read in detail a location on a topographical map and go through this unknown path along with his horse.
At the start you are given an average speed to maintain.
On the way, in places unknown to the rider, they are placed checkpoints, where the couple must pass mandatory with the most accurate hour mean.
The difficulty of this test can range from a simple test of goodwill (designed to help those who approaches Trec for the first time) up to a racing selective test, which is hard to pass without a good knowledge of the use of the compass.
Depending on the type, the tracer POR, (the one that traces the route to be followed), facilitates or makes it difficult the orientation.

PPA2) P.P.A.: mastered gaits
The second test is to follow a corridor 2 meters wide and 150 meters long, galloping in the slowest possible way, and in step as quickly as possible to eventually return without breaking the gaits.



PTV33) P.T.V.: varied terrain
The varied terrain test, is perhaps the most spectacular.
Iovercome as correctly as possible a series of obstacles that can be found commonly in the country like opening and closing a gate remaining on the saddle, jumping over a ditch, a tree or a fence, getting off the horse or by hand from a talus, crossing a  ford or a bridge, taking a slalom etc.etc.
In these tests, time is not the key factor.